Lunch and Learn meeting of MLS owners August 2024

Lunch and Learn meeting of MLS owners – August 2024

Friday 2 August 2024


  • Pavle Kuburic, Balanced for Life

Topics included

  1. Wound healing case study.
  2. Training sessions are a great way to energise practitioners and support staff.
  3. Staff acceptance: Teaching staff the benefits of laser and overcoming misconceptions.
  4. Patient acceptance: Overcoming patient resistance to laser as a treatment.
  5. Neurodegenerative conditions: stimulating healing and regenerative processes including myelin.
  6. Biostimulation settings, treatments and when to use them.
  7. Tips and tricks for using the MLS hand piece.
  8. Promoting laser in your clinic: Using social media.

Click here to watch the recording of the meeting.

Contact us today for a demo to find out more.